Ceinture blanche
Corde ouverte de Sol
Notes sur la corde de Do
Noix de coco (Christel Contant)
La ronde vaut 4 pulsations.
La blanche vaut 2 pulsations.
La noire vaut 1 pulsation.
Toutes les notes sont jouées sur la corde de Do (C) (3e corde).
La note Do se joue sur la 3e corde ouverte.
La note Ré se joue sur la 3e corde, 2e frette.
Respecte le rythme. Sens la pulsation dans ton corps. Tu peux aussi compter dans ta tête.
Ceinture rose
Notes sur la corde de Mi
NOtes sur la corde de La
Popcorn (Christel Contant)
La ronde vaut 4 pulsations.
La blanche vaut 2 pulsations.
La noire vaut 1 pulsation.
Toutes les notes sont jouées sur la corde de Do (C) (3e corde).
La note Do se joue sur la 3e corde ouverte.
La note Ré se joue sur la 3e corde, 2e frette.
Respecte le rythme. Sens la pulsation dans ton corps. Tu peux aussi compter dans ta tête.
Ceinture jaune
Marie avait un mouton
London Bridge Is Falling Down
Trio jazz (Christel Contant)
quarter notes (1 beat), half notes (2 beats) and whole notes (4 beats)
"C" (3rd string open) and "D" (3rd string, 2nd fret), "E" (2nd string open), and "G" (2nd string, 3rd fret)
keep a steady beat when you play (count in your head!)
go to 2:02 of the YouTube video above to hear the song!
Ceinture orange
Gamme de Do majeur
Brille, brille petite étoile
Frère Jacques
all notes are quarter notes (1 beat)
low "C" (3rd string open) and "D" (3rd string, 2nd fret), "E" (2nd string open), "F" (2nd string, 1st fret), and "G" (2nd string, 3rd fret), "A" (1st string open), "B" (1st string 2nd fret), high "C" (1st string, 3rd fret)
keep a steady beat when you play (count in your head!)
go to 5:00 of the YouTube video above to hear the song!
Mettre image partition
Ceinture verte
Joyeux anniversaire
Berceuse (Brahms)
Are you strumming
all notes are quarter notes (1 beat)
low "C" (3rd string open) and "D" (3rd string, 2nd fret), "E" (2nd string open), "F" (2nd string, 1st fret), and "G" (2nd string, 3rd fret), "A" (1st string open), "B" (1st string 2nd fret), high "C" (1st string, 3rd fret)
keep a steady beat when you play (count in your head!)
go to 5:00 of the YouTube video above to hear the song!
Accord de Do majeur
Ceinture bleue
Hymne à la joie
Row, row, row your boat
Yellow Submarine
all notes are quarter notes (1 beat)
low "C" (3rd string open) and "D" (3rd string, 2nd fret), "E" (2nd string open), "F" (2nd string, 1st fret), and "G" (2nd string, 3rd fret), "A" (1st string open), "B" (1st string 2nd fret), high "C" (1st string, 3rd fret)
keep a steady beat when you play (count in your head!)
go to 5:00 of the YouTube video above to hear the song!
Accord de Fa majeur (F)
Ceinture mauve
Printemps (Vivaldi)
Three Little Birds
Lean On Me
CHORDS! (C Major, F Major, G)
strum the chords using the "1 2 & 3 & 4 &" strumming pattern (use your first finger, not your thumb)
chords continue until you see the chord symbol change (i.e. in the 1st 4 bars you play the C Major chord 16 times)
make the chord changes quickly and on the beat
make sure to play all 4 strings and they all "ring" nicely
Keep a steady beat when you play (count in your head!)
PLEASE NOTE: This is slightly different than the line from the book! There is an "F Major chord" added to the last line of music!
Faudrait arranger ça.
Mettre des images des accords, du strumming.
Ceinture rouge
Thème de Spiderman
Shake It Off (Taylor Swift)
Demons (Imagine Dragons)
Line 39: Ooh-Wah Uke
New Concepts: -
MORE CHORDS! (G Major, E minor, C Major, D7)
use the "Finger and Thumb" Strum pattern
Images : https://guybbrownmusic.weebly.com/ukulele-karate.html
(ceinture brune sur l'autre site)
Strumming ici!
Ceinture brune
Les étoiles filantes (Cowboys fringants)
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
MORE CHORDS! (D minor, C Major, A7)
Chords change every two beats or every one beat
Use two different strumming patterns of your choice (see the Strum Chart below) which means you will have to play this piece TWICE
When choosing two different strumming patterns, choose one EASY pattern and one that is more CHALLENGING
Images à Ceinture rouge : https://guybbrownmusic.weebly.com/ukulele-karate.html
Ceinture noire
Trouble (Coldplay)
The Pink Panther
Creep (Radiohead)
La rue principale (Les Colocs)
Line 77: Scarborough Fair
New Concepts: -
Somewhere : Mélodie et Accompagnement.
MORE CHORDS! (D minor, C Major, F Major, G Major, A Major)
3/4 time (3 beats in a bar)
tied notes (dotted half note tied to a half note = 5 beats in total)
make TWO recordings
Recording #1: Play the chords to Scarborough Fair using the 3/4 (Waltz) Strumming Pattern with a metronome set to 80 BPM (Beats Per Minute)
Recording #2: Play the melody to Scarborough Fair with the metronome set again to 80 BPM (Beats Per Minute)
Put the two recordings together to have an audio or video file of you accompanying yourself (melody and chords together)